Taking your Cat to the Vet - Traveling with a Cat

Cats & Carriers: Friends not Foes

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VCA Free Cat Carrier

Regular visits to your veterinarian are critical for maintaining your cat's optimal health. It is fairly easy to get a dog in the car because they have been accustomed to car travel and often see the car as a chance to accompany their owners on what might be a fun and exciting outing. Cats, on the other hand, rarely leave the confines of the house and usually see travel as a negative experience as they often end up at the vet, groomer or boarding facility.

Cats are creatures of habit and they like being in control of their surroundings. They do not enjoy being enclosed in small spaces like the cat carrier and often have a healthy dislike of the noise and motion of the car. When they see the cat carrier come out they often make a mad dash for the nearest escape and this is the last you will see of your cat for hours.

Traveling with a cat in a car or any other form of transportation can be a stressful experience for a cat but there are several tips on how to travel with a cat that can ease the anxiety of the cat cage and leaving the house. First, get the right size cat carrier. If your cat dreads going into the small confines of a carrier, consider getting an over-sized, top-loading cat carrier so your cat doesn’t need to squeeze through a narrow door.

Keep the cat carrier out in the home and make the interior inviting. Many times the cat carrier is in a closet or garage and only comes out when it is time to go to the vet- which is sure to incite fear in your cat. Try keeping the cat carrier out in the home with the door open. You can place toys or other enjoyable items in the cat carrier.

On the day of the vet visit you can place treats, cat nip or a small amount of food in the cat carrier to entice your cat inside peacefully. Consider spraying the inside of the cat carrier with pheromones or relaxing sprays to help calm any fears associated with the cat carrier or vet visit. You should also consider taking your cat on short car trips in the cat carrier that don’t end up at the vet’s office. Take him for a short ride in the car and then praise him with words and treats to help him be less nervous about future trips.


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